Author: Ugur Vural

The telecoms regular admitted in November that a staggering 95 percent of the country’s territory is covered by only outdated 2G mobile connections. Following up on a recent pledge to drastically improve internet services, Tajikistan’s communications regulator has begun working with several international companies to overhaul core infrastructure. The most notable conversation is happening with China’s Huawei. In the first half of December, the Tajik government and the Chinese company’s local representative office, Huawei Technologies Tajikistan, signed a memorandum of cooperation that will see the latter take the lead in a project to upgrade or install 7,600 base stations envisioned as the…

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An easyJet flight from the UK to Turkey was diverted to Greece after two passengers became drunk and started shouting at fellow passengers and crew. The flight, which took off from Manchester on Saturday, was due to touch down in Dalaman, southwestern Turkey but instead was diverted to the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki. Two Russian passengers, both men aged 48 and 39, were arrested by police when the plane landed in Greece, authorities said. The pair were charged with disturbing the peace, disrupting transport and disobeying the crew’s instructions. There was no physical altercation on the flight, authorities said.…

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Turkey’s central bank took fresh steps on Sunday in line with its goals to increase functionality of market mechanisms, after it hiked rates to 15% from 8.5% this week. Turkey’s securities maintenance regulation has been simplified to increase the functionality of market mechanisms and strengthen macro financial stability, the Turkish central bank said on Sunday. In a statement, it said the decision was part of policies announced after the recent monetary policy committee meeting on Thursday, and the simplification process would continue in a gradual manner. In a statement after the committee meeting, the bank said it would simplify and improve the…

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A Moroccan migrant who was injured by gunfire while crossing from Turkey into Greece Thursday is being hospitalized with non life-threatening injuries, Greek officials said. A police statement said the 30-year-old man was found trying to cross the river Evros — Meric in Turkish — that runs along the land border, in a small boat with two other men. He had a gunshot wound in the back, apparently inflicted by somebody on the Turkish side. The boat reached the Greek side, where the man was taken to hospital. The other two were uninjured. Greek police said the Moroccan man told them he had been…

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Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ)’s Urban and Regional Planning Department academics criticized the presidential decree on rapid construction after the Feb. 6 earthquakes by publishing a statement on the department’s website. After the move, the university administration blocked access to the website for hours and re-opened it after public backlash, online news outlet Diken reported on April 1. ITU’s Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urban and Regional Planning published the declaration of the “Union of Planning Schools of Turkey” on March 28 on the department’s website. The declaration criticized the “Presidential Decree on Settlement and Construction under the State of Emergency”…

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Following the devastating earthquakes on February 6 that affected 11 provinces in Turkey, resulting in over 50,000 deaths and severe damage to over 227,000 buildings, KFC declared the closure of its stores in the impacted area. The fast-food chain unilaterally terminated the contracts of the workers and laid off more than 200 workers, without paying compensation. Stores will close on different dates in the provinces of Batman, Bingöl, Urfa, Antep, Elazığ, Malatya, Maraş, Diyarbakır, and Hatay, according to Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK) board member and Gıda-İş Union Chair Seyit Aslan, stating that some of the stores…

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The training is organized for those engineers who want to install, maintain, or use KSTAR on-grid inverters and energy storage systems with CATL battery. KSTAR technical managers provide participants the research and understanding of the basics of on-grid inverters and ESS. Before diving into the training, the participants have a basic understanding of how on-grid inverters work, their components, and their functions. During the training, the partners and installers take notes and ask questions to clarify any doubts or uncertainties. They learn about safety precautions. Safety is critical when working with electricity. They ensure that safety precautions should be taken…

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Avesta.Tj – Tajikistan received humanitarian aid from donor countries in the form of medicines, medicines and food products. Since the beginning of the year, humanitarian aid has been provided to Tajikistan by 19 countries of near and far abroad. According to the customs service of the republic, humanitarian aid from donor countries in January of this year was received in the amount of more than $2.6 million. In total, the republic received over 445.4 tons of humanitarian aid in the first month of this year. During the specified period, flour, vegetable oil, medicines, medicines, food products and much more were…

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The Chinese and Russian militaries have been excluded from this week’s Avalon International Air Show, where emerging defence technologies, including a new Australian-designed lethal drone, will be publicly showcased. Air force chiefs from across the world have arrived in Melbourne for the conference, which is taking place just days before the scheduled unveiling of Australia’s “optimal pathway” to acquire AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines, and the government’s response to the Defence Strategic Review. With rising strategic tensions in the Indo-Pacific, and the Ukrainian war entering a second year, the Defence Department has confirmed neither China nor Russia has been invited to take part…

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South Korean law prohibits the export of weapons to countries in active conflict. With this, Seoul found it difficult to deliver weapons directly to Kyiv. South Korea is quiet favorite of gun buyers around the world. And this was achieved during the country’s decades of efforts to protect itself from North Korea. The threat that never goes away forces Seoul to build a domestic arms industry. And in the end, this sector achieves economies of scale obtained from large export sales. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), there has been a drastic increase in South Korea’s ranking…

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